
Monday 30 April 2007

The first cut.

Well today was one of those fantastic days. Sunshine, chainsaws, Quad bikes, big diggers and the cat covered in Ticks. sort of days.......Nice. :-)

One 8 foot log to be planked up into slabs.

Above you can see the Saw mill fixed to the log all ready to go.

Thin slices come off first until you are cutting close to two thirds the diameter.

Then the mill is rotated through 90 degrees. Although it was a shallow cut the log was very flat and the cut extended almost the full diameter of the log. 48 cm`s.
It was quite an odd shaped log. If you look carefully towards the lower quarter you will see the center of the growth rings. Very off center.

Who says pine cant look nice. Bet you would like a slice of this. :-)

To round off today's Blog. A picture of the stack of slabs that are now ready to be turned on their edges and sliced down into the rough sized timbers, ready for stacking and drying. The picture above represents 21 pieces of the 79 required for the Greenhouse. WooHoo.

1 comment:

HoustonWeHaveLiftOff said...

How many trees are you needing to fell for the project?