
Tuesday 26 June 2007

Another bench.

All thats left of the six pines that were felled are the knotty trunks. I hope to cut the timber for a work area behind the shed with this. The boards will be 2 inch so a few knots wont harm them. The first bit I pulled off the slope was a bit ruff so I thought it might be time for a bench. The idea for a Chaise long came to mind having seen one round at the Forest mans house. Then with a bit of banter with my landlord and neighbors a good spot was picked for it. The kids can sit on it when they wait for their school bus and anyone who has climbed to the top of the hill and is a little out of breath can get a rest.

This is situated at the gate house entrance. So you can see it as you drive past.

That was all done on Monday. Today I got up and thought I would make a start tidying up the Greenhouse. I took the photo below so you could see the way it was and then went in and proceeded to lift a length of timber tangled in the weeds. Suddenly there was allot of buzzing. I thought it was a load of flies but quickly changed my mind........

Below you can see the reason why. LOL.

A big old wasps nest and they were none too happy. If I get the chance I'm going to spray them at night. (Did it before and they don't come out) Then get the nest. Exciting what?

Sunday 24 June 2007

Last of the laylandii trunks.

Three days off and good weather. Even the midges were taking a break. Forest man came up and was a great help with the clearing and camera work. After the days graft in the forest we went down to the North pier to see how his boy was getting on with the fishing, arriving just in time to take his rod apart for him and that was that. So we went off to the Co-Op where Forest man bought beer and back at his house his lovely Forest wife made us all some chilly. A good day indeed.

Here is the forest man himself hard at it.

With this being the end result.

Most of this Blog has consisted of pictures and videos of ......logs. So not to disappoint you all here`s another video.

Video Link

Sunday 10 June 2007

Collecting up the trunks.

Today was overcast, warm and humidity is up in the 80`s No breeze.
I was surprised at the lack of Midges. So got started on moving the Leylandii trunks. surprisingly heavy and with what I think will be a lovely grain color too. I'm thinking of cutting the wood for the garden gates out of this. They will look nice I hope. You can see how dark they are on the ends.

I had to get the logs apart in order to get the carrier wheels in between the logs. Not easy on your own.

This is not the biggest bit.

This is!!!!

Ran out of sweat so will leave these pieces till another day.

Saturday 9 June 2007

Inbetween Greenhouses

It was my early day today which means I get to go into work an hour later !!!! So up with the lark and make a bench for the estate. Actually its a seat, Cut from an off cut that I had lying around. LOL. Bit tired to be bothered saying more so heres the pictures instead.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Conquering Blackmount

Day off today and the weather has been just great. So off into town to pick up my new camera woman. Non-other than the legendary "NeeNee NaNa". Seen here astride the legendary quad.

So off we set to film the Conquering of Blackmount.

Please click on the link to see the triumphant drive up the steep muddy slopes of the almost forgoton Blackmount. Where once the hidden garden of Glencruitten Hs was.

Conquering Blackmount hill.

Once at the top work commenced to setup the first bench in nearly 60 years to grace the hill.
Here is a short video of the legs being trimmed for the base to sit on. The base was secured using 6" galvanized nails.

Where an amazing view can be had of the bay and islands.

Here are a couple of pictures taken from Blackmount by my friend Andy mason, while up visiting on holiday. Below you can just see the Isles of Kerrera and Mull.

Finally a picture of my camera woman. Miss NeeNee NaNa, sitting on the new bench.