
Wednesday 6 June 2007

Conquering Blackmount

Day off today and the weather has been just great. So off into town to pick up my new camera woman. Non-other than the legendary "NeeNee NaNa". Seen here astride the legendary quad.

So off we set to film the Conquering of Blackmount.

Please click on the link to see the triumphant drive up the steep muddy slopes of the almost forgoton Blackmount. Where once the hidden garden of Glencruitten Hs was.

Conquering Blackmount hill.

Once at the top work commenced to setup the first bench in nearly 60 years to grace the hill.
Here is a short video of the legs being trimmed for the base to sit on. The base was secured using 6" galvanized nails.

Where an amazing view can be had of the bay and islands.

Here are a couple of pictures taken from Blackmount by my friend Andy mason, while up visiting on holiday. Below you can just see the Isles of Kerrera and Mull.

Finally a picture of my camera woman. Miss NeeNee NaNa, sitting on the new bench.

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