
Sunday 1 July 2007

How did I get started?

Ok peeps I`m going to go off at a bit of a tangent here, two to be precise: Trees, chainsaws and planking, plus, Casting things in aluminum.

Ive had a liking for chainsaws for a long time. Many years ago in Crewe I bought a chainsaw and went self employed making rustic furniture and supplying fire wood to people in Crewe. One oak tree a tonn of logs and an oak stool later it was all over. Didnt realy have a clue what I was doing. (Still don`t LOL).

As you can see from the pictures above I`m not blessed with an eye for a straight line.
I love the little stool and thats all that matters.

So anyway that was a long time ago and the bug for cutting up tree trunks has stayed with me.
"What got you back into it?" I hear you cry.
A new friend with his own trees and a chain saw. Murray. Just down the road from me and just as mad. Although him and Forest man bleating like insane sheep at the passing cars , dose top me by a we-bit.
So there we were standing in Murrays garden wondering what to be doing with our selves. When he mentions that Fiona, his partner, would like a bridge over the burn that runs across the garden and thats how it all began.

We just went ahead and made it up as we went along.

Cut down a curved tree and sliced it down the middle with the chainsaw, to get the curve.

Thats Fee standing there inspecting the work.

Testing to see if its strong :-D

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